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Representatives for Democrats

Precinct Organizers (POs) are some of the most important people in the Democratic Party. They are the most local, personal, accessible, & effective point of voter contact in the entire political system. Organized precincts perform 3% better at the ballot box for Democratic candidates & ballot issues.


If you’re an extrovert & like meeting people, then being a PO is for you! We’ll provide the training, tools, materials, & help you need to be successful throughout your 2 year term. We realize not all activities are for all people, so we ask that you choose a few that you’re comfortable to start & go from there! We’ll help you develop & achieve a win-plan for your precinct. We need 2 POs per precinct.


Precinct  Organizers are elected in even-numbered years at caucus. 


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Precinct Organizers

Email for more information
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